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Tag: banking advice

Storm coming upon a field of crops.
How Severe Weather Conditions Impact Ag Decisions

Severe weather conditions like storms, droughts, and floods can have a big impact on agriculture businesses and farmers. These extreme weather events can damage crops, destroy infrastructure, and disrupt the entire farming process. It’s important for farmers to be prepared and have strategies in place to mitigate the effects of severe weather.

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ag, agriculture, banking advice, financial security, general, tips

Investor calculating their savings account.
The Advantages of Jumbo CDs

When it comes to banking, jumbo CDs offer a multitude of advantages to commercial banking customers. With higher minimum deposits requirements, you can earn more competitive interest rates, helping you grow your savings faster. Jumbo CDs provide a secure and reliable way to invest and maximize returns.

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bank loans, banking advice, business, financial advice, financial security, general

College students walking together on campus.
Saving Hacks for College Students

Almost every college student around the world understands the struggle of making ends meet. From paying for books or student activities, buying groceries or paying rent, it can feel like the expenses never end. While big expenses can never be avoided (like rent), there are smaller ways to put some extra change in the wallet.

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banking advice, financial advice, financial security, general, tips

Home Appraisals form.
Home Appraisals: The Basics

Understanding the value of your home is crucial to whether you’re buying, selling, or refinancing a home. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or a seasoned homeowner, gaining insights into home appraisals can help you make more informed decisions.

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banking advice, financial advice, general

Woman agreeing to a business loan.
Business Loans 101

Navigating the loan landscape can feel like deciphering an ancient scroll – terms like "collateral," "interest rates," and "amortization schedule" swirling around. Fear not, brave entrepreneur! This Business Loans 101 is your trusty guide, here to demystify the jargon and empower you to make informed decisions about financing your dream.

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bank loans, banking advice, business, credit score, financial advice, general

Money clock going off.
Tips for Using Credit Wisely

When it comes to managing personal finances, using credit wisely is key. There are many tips to help you navigate the world of credit and to make smart, financial decisions. Get ready to take control of your finances this year and achieve your financial goals!

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banking advice, credit, credit counseling, credit history, credit score, financial advice, financial security, general

Protections Against Elder Fraud
Protections Against Elder Fraud

A serious issue that can affect elderly adults today is elder fraud. This financial exploitation can come in many forms, and the warning signs may not be completely obvious. Explore how you can protect yourself or your loved ones from elder fraud.

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banking advice, cybersecurity, financial advice, fraud, online scams